Retain and grow existing clients

How To Maximise Impact

How To Maximise Impact

Summary People don't go to work to feel impotent, they thrive when they are doing what energises them! Gary speaks with Nathan Ott, co-creator of the GC Index - an organimetric tool that identifies people's preferences and allows them and the organisations for whom...

Difficult Client Conversations

Difficult Client Conversations

Difficult Client Conversations  Productive communication is built upon rapport, not necessarily upon agreement.  By looking at the psychology behind difficult client conversations, we take a practical approach to helping you manage ‘disagreement without being...

Client Relationship Skills

Client Relationship Skills

Client Relationship Skills Delivering projects well is the first step in developing further opportunities, but it’s not enough. We need to be proactive in building relationships, understanding our clients and their objectives, and positioning ourselves as trusted...

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