Summary How do we win the right kind of work from the right kinds of clients? This week on Work Winning Ways, Gary brings you an episode from a series of webinars about how you can master the client experience. Find out how you can win over clients, build and maintain...
client development
How To Maximise Impact
Summary People don't go to work to feel impotent, they thrive when they are doing what energises them! Gary speaks with Nathan Ott, co-creator of the GC Index - an organimetric tool that identifies people's preferences and allows them and the organisations for whom...
Managing the Client Experience
Managing the client experience is vital, because we all know that a happy client is your best advocate. That is why it’s so important to understand the tools needed to successfully optimise the client experience, and maximise the positive encounters that clients have...
7 Steps to win more work this year
Do you want to win more work this year? Here are 7 steps that will help you to win more of the right kind of work from the right kind of clients. These are based on our years of helping consultancy, engineering and professional services firms create opportunities,...
Being Honest & Being Human in Business
Summary In this episode Gary is joined by professional services expert Sarah Butters to discuss how to drive business by driving people. Sarah tells us how encouraging people’s passions and helping them grow as individuals is beneficial for your business. Gary also...