Summary How do we win the right kind of work from the right kinds of clients? This week on Work Winning Ways, Gary brings you an episode from a series of webinars about how you can master the client experience. Find out how you can win over clients, build and maintain...
client management
How To Maximise Impact
Summary People don't go to work to feel impotent, they thrive when they are doing what energises them! Gary speaks with Nathan Ott, co-creator of the GC Index - an organimetric tool that identifies people's preferences and allows them and the organisations for whom...
Cross Selling in the world of Professional Services
Summary Cross selling in the world of Professional Services is the Holy Grail. Organisations think it’s easy, but in this episode of Work Winning Ways, you’ll find out why it’s very difficult. Join Gary Williams as he discusses why cross selling is important, how...
How To Become A Trusted Advisor
Summary On this episode of Work Winning Ways, host Gary Williams of Questas discusses the evolution of the work winning employee and what your client wants from them. Also hear all about what it takes to become a trusted advisor, and just as importantly, how to keep...
Building Customer Experience Around Trust, Care and Value
Summary Building customer experience around trust, care and value is the main theme of this episode of Work Winning Ways. Questas founder and CEO Gary Williams is joined by Paul Adams of The Project Centre, a professional design consultancy, focused on civil...
Cross-selling in the Professional Services Sector
Summary In this episode, Gary speaks with Nigel Clark. Nigel leads Marketing globally for SLR Consulting - an international leader of environmental and advisory solutions. They help clients of all shapes and size achieve their sustainability goals. He is an...