Managing Client Relationships

Building Strong Relationships

Building Strong Relationships

Summary In this episode of Working Winning Ways Gary Williams talks to Edd Stone of The Technology Partnership. Hear all about how Edd works with, understands, and builds strong relationships with people. These relationships can last over an entire career and span...

The Psychology of Selling

The Psychology of Selling

Did you know that understanding the psychology of selling can help you to win more work? Are you responsible for winning work but not a salesperson?  On the Questas Academy’s Professional Selling programme, we work with candidates to equip them with the tools and...

How to Uniquely Connect with Clients

How to Uniquely Connect with Clients

Summary In this episode of Work Winning Ways, Gary is joined by Claire Gott MBE, Head of Industry and Corporate Social Responsibility at WSP in the UK. Join the discussion on how to encourage your technical staff to engage better with clients and how to win and keep...

Being Human, the Art of Client Relationship Management

Being Human, the Art of Client Relationship Management

In this first episode, Gary is joined by Terence Ritchie, a Partner at EMW Law. Terence is a real estate lawyer who knows that relationships and delivering a great client experience are the keys to winning and keeping clients in a very busy market. Their conversation covers a number of areas including;

The impact of the pandemic on client relationships and business development
What it takes for (very) reluctant sellers to get motivated
How Terence sees the future of client selling

3 Ways Virtual Training Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

3 Ways Virtual Training Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Like many businesses, we’ve had to adapt to new ways of working since the pandemic began.  Virtual training has not only been the only way to continue to deliver our courses, we’ve also discovered another positive outcome – a huge reduction in our (and our client’s) carbon footprint!

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