
Being Human, the Art of Client Relationship Management

Being Human, the Art of Client Relationship Management

In this first episode, Gary is joined by Terence Ritchie, a Partner at EMW Law. Terence is a real estate lawyer who knows that relationships and delivering a great client experience are the keys to winning and keeping clients in a very busy market. Their conversation covers a number of areas including;

The impact of the pandemic on client relationships and business development
What it takes for (very) reluctant sellers to get motivated
How Terence sees the future of client selling

The Future of training: Online? In-the-room? Or both?

The Future of training: Online? In-the-room? Or both?

What is the future of training? At Questas, the past 12 months have taught us a lot about how to successfully deliver virtual training. We know that you can’t simply take a classroom designed training session and simply put it online. It doesn’t work! We know that...

Training online, moving from the classroom and maintaining effective learning

Training online, moving from the classroom and maintaining effective learning

One thing we already knew – you can’t just take a classroom course and deliver it online. With over 20 years experience in corporate training we took the principles and tested on ourselves and friendly clients how best to adapt to get it right online. And those rehearsals were the best investment we could have made! Here’s what we learnt delivering Virtual Classroom Training.

3 Ways Virtual Training Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

3 Ways Virtual Training Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Like many businesses, we’ve had to adapt to new ways of working since the pandemic began.  Virtual training has not only been the only way to continue to deliver our courses, we’ve also discovered another positive outcome – a huge reduction in our (and our client’s) carbon footprint!

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