Need help winning Bids & Tenders?

Jul 12, 2022 | Podcast


Winning bids & tenders is a challenge. How do you make your business proposals stand out and stick in your clients minds? In this episode of Work Winning Ways Questas CEO and Founder Gary Williams talks to Richard Williams all about winning your bid.


  • The first thing you need to do on day one of your bid is to read the question. Are you actually able to bid on this project? Does the timescale work for you? Are you sure you’re the right fit? Because if you’re not the right fit then you’re just wasting time.
  • The second most important thing is to set a winning bid strategy. Think, how do we deliver the best bid in the time we have, and how do I best position myself to win the bid.
  • Structure that proposal document appropriately for that bid. Make it look great and bea easy to read.
  • Use everything you can through writing that brief to make it clear to the client that you are the obvious choice.
  • Be very clear about the objectives, who is handling it, and when it needs to be done by.
  • Get people involved early on, don’t leave it until half way through the bid to get input from the people who will be involved.
  • The RFP tells you what the client wants, you have to answer those questions. There are always other things that matter to the client. Understanding what really matters to them can help win a bid.
  • Have an executive summary on page one of your proposal.
  • Start with you talking about the problem they have, this shows that you understand it. Then tell them the things that you will do to solve their problem and exactly how you will go about it.


  • “Just like on an exam, read and re-read the question”
  • “Treat your bid like you would a project”
  • “More words is not necessarily better”


Gary Williams

Gary Williams

Gary Williams has been in sales and marketing his entire career. The past 10 years have been dedicated to helping technically minded non-salespeople become skilled and confident in selling themselves and their services.

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