Questas insights

Our insights into successful marketing, business development and key account management.

Effective BD Meetings

Effective BD Meetings

In the competitive landscape of business development, your initial meetings with potential clients or new contacts at existing clients are pivotal moments. These interactions can either pave the way for years of collaboration or leave your firm with no work at all. At...

The Psychology of Selling

The Psychology of Selling

Did you know that understanding the psychology of selling can help you to win more work? Are you responsible for winning work but not a salesperson?  On the Questas Academy’s Professional Selling programme, we work with candidates to equip them with the tools and...

7 Steps to win more work this year

7 Steps to win more work this year

Do you want to win more work this year? Here are 7 steps that will help you to win more of the right kind of work from the right kind of clients. These are based on our years of helping consultancy, engineering and professional services firms create opportunities,...

Practise, practise, practise to build new habits!

Practise, practise, practise to build new habits!

How to turn workplace learning into sustainable, positive habits. Commissioned by The Training Journal March 2021 An organisation’s ability to learn – and translate that learning into action rapidly – is the ultimate competitive advantage. This is according to Jack...

The Future of training: Online? In-the-room? Or both?

The Future of training: Online? In-the-room? Or both?

What is the future of training? At Questas, the past 12 months have taught us a lot about how to successfully deliver virtual training. We know that you can’t simply take a classroom designed training session and simply put it online. It doesn’t work! We know that...

6 Things to do in 2021 to win a bigger slice of a smaller pie

6 Things to do in 2021 to win a bigger slice of a smaller pie

After an extraordinary 2020, most economic forecasts are predicting a tough year in 2021 for most sectors. Many suggesting we will not reach pre-pandemic levels again until the end of 2022. It’s a gloomy thought and one where the Ostrich strategy of sticking your head...

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